Università degli Studi di Firenze


The Università degli Studi di Firenze (UNIFI) is a University with approximately 25.000 students, and research activities in several domains, from engineering to human sciences, natural sciences, architectures, medicine and computer science. The Resilient Computing Lab (RCL) research group at the Dept. of “Matematica e Informatica” (Mathematics and Informatics) has his main research focus in research and experimentation of dependable architectures and systems. The group is currently involved in research spanning two macro areas:

(1) Architectures and Techniques for Fault-Tolerant and Secure Systems, Infrastructures and Networks, and

(2) Validation of systems dependability, security, Trust and QoS through analytical, simulative and experimental techniques.

Members of the group have been and currently are involved in many cooperative EU projects from Framework 2 to Framework 7 and in ARTEMIS projects, presently in the FP7-ICT-2012-STREP AMADEOS, FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP CECRIS, ARTEMIS-JU-333053 CONCERTO.

Main Tasks
In WP1 UNIFI contributes to the identification of security and dependability requirements. UNIFI will lead WP2 focusing on the problem of emergence phenomena. In WP3, UNIFI supports the other partners, specifically considering relations with connected WPs. In WP4, UNIFI investigates modelling of the system, especially for what concerns the investigation of dependability and security properties, and propagation of faults through the infrastructure. In WP5, UNIFI supports the evaluation activities taking care of quantitative model-based assessment of dependability and security, using combinatorial techniques (e.g., attack trees and attack graphs) and state space analysis (Markov chains, stochastic Petri nets and their extensions).
