Data Policy

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4; 1210 Wien; Österreich
office(at); +43 50550-0

Data Protection Office: dpo(at)

If AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH processes your personal data, you have the right of access to your personal data. In addition you have the right to obtain the rectification or erasure of your data. You further have the right to obtain the restriction of processing or the right to transmit your data to another controller under the specific terms of the General Data Protection Regulation. In addition you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.

If your personal data is being processed based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you are of the opinion that your data is processed unlawfully, you have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority (

In order to exercise your rights, please contact office(at)

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH processes personal data in accordance with Section 2d paragraph 2 Forschungsorganisationsgesetz.

© 2020 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. All rights reserved.

About our cookie policy.

This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. You should read this policy to understand what cookies are, how we use them, the types of cookies we use i.e, the information we collect using cookies and how that information is used and how to control the cookie preferences. For further information on how we use, store and keep your personal data secure, see our Privacy Policy.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on our website.

Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy.

What are cookies ?

Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. The cookies are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser. These cookies help us make the website function properly, make the website more secure, provide better user experience, and understand how the website performs and to analyze what works and where it needs improvement.

How do we use cookies ?

As most of the online services, our website uses cookies first-party and third-party cookies for a number of purposes. The first-party cookies are mostly necessary for the website to function the right way, and they do not collect any of your personally identifiable data.

The third-party cookies used on our websites are used mainly for understanding how the website performs, how you interact with our website, keeping our services secure, providing advertisements that are relevant to you, and all in all providing you with a better and improved user experience and help speed up your future interactions with our website.

What types of cookies do we use ?

The below list details the cookies used in our website.

General Cookies

Cookies from WordPress

wordpress_test_cookieThis cookie determines whether the use of cookies has been disabled in the browser. Duration of storage: Until the end of the browser session (will be deleted when closing your internet browser).Session
PHPSESSIDThis cookie stores your current session with respect to PHP applications, ensuring that all features of this website based on the PHP programming language are fully displayed. Duration of storage: Until the end of the browser session (will be deleted when closing your internet browser).Session
wordpress_akm_mobileThese cookies are only used for the administration area of ​​WordPress.1 Year
wordpress_logged_in_akm_mobileThese cookies are only used for the administration area of ​​WordPress and do not apply to other site visitors.Session
wp-settings-akm_mobileThese cookies are only used for the administration area of ​​WordPress and do not apply to other site visitors.Session
wp-settings-time-akm_mobileThese cookies are only used for the administration area of ​​WordPress and do not apply to other site visitors.Session
abIs used for A / B testing of new features.Session
akm_mobilesaves if the visitor wants to see the mobile version of a website.1 Day
How can I control the cookie preferences ?

You can manage your cookies preferences by clicking on the “Settings” button and enabling or disabling the cookie categories on the popup according to your preferences.
