AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4 | 1210 Vienna | Austria
Service contact: Corporate and Marketing Communications cmc(at)
Company register number: 115980 i
Court responsible for company register: Vienna Commercial Court
VAT reg. no.: ATU 14703506
Supervisory authority: Austrian Court of Auditors
Chamber: Economic Chamber Vienna
Purpose of business: Research and development projects of any kind including related services
Managing Directors: Anton Plimon, Wolfgang Knoll
Supervisory Board: DI Dr. Peter Schwab, MBA (Chairman), Mag. Isabella Meran-Waldstein (Deputy Chairman) , DI Katja Schechtner (Deputy Chairman), Mag. Hannah Glatz, DI Harald Loos, DI Mag. Wolfgang Pell, Mag. Dr. Rupert Pichler, Dr. Klaus Pseiner, Dr. DI Brigitte Ratzer, Mag. Anton Schantl, Henriette Spyra, B.A., M.A., Dr. Ursula Sauer, Christian Gärtner, Mag. Andrew Lindley, Mag. Elisabeth Mrakotsky-Kolm, DI Christina Tamas, DI Hubert Umschaden
Shareholders: Republic of Austria (Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology – BMVIT): 50.46%; Federation of Austrian Industries: 49.54%
Fundamental aim: The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH is the owner of the website.
The website and the newsletter, which can be subscribed to on the website, are designed to provide information on the activities and the performance of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.
AIT disclaimer:
AIT is awarded with the Pro-Ethik-Siegel of the Österreichischer Werberat: